Learn from masters
Weekly Digest - Learn from masters This week first up we learn from renowned image consultant Lauren Solomon , a true master in image consultancy. This article in Forbes asks a question - how much does a powerful professional image matter? The answer is Yes it does matter a lot the article then shares examples on how people have transformed their professional careers just by changing their professional image. Some tips that one can learn Wear clothes that fit properly Wear good shoe Casual clothing can be stylish and smart How you start the day is how you end the day Conventional treatments First, the antibiotic treatment, which is the main offender in the impotence purchase generic levitra crime. The information may not cheap professional viagra be transferred from the brain to the penile nerve thus reducing and preventing timely erection. Basically erectile dysfunction is something wherein a man fails to give proper erections to the per4son he is making love with then cialis 20mg generika it is said that most menopausal symptoms are more to do with an imbalance. Father cialis generic tadalafil Murphy has appeared numerous times on both television as himself and in movie. Pick up her book, Image matters and read this article here ***** Valuewalk one of my favorite websites have provided links to Whitney Tilson's collection of articles on Warren buffet and Charlie Munger the true masters of investing world. If you just read through these material you are bound to enhance your knowledge on investing and life. Warren Buffet is such a prolific reader it comes out from his writings and thoughts. Charlie Munger is such an astute reader of situations. This are definite on my reading list of weekended. A note of gratitude to Whitney for putting them all together. Read them here *****
Last is the amazing talk by Joi Ito
In this engaging talk, he shares a new approach to creating in the moment: building quickly and improving constantly, without waiting for permission or for proof that you have the right idea. This kind of bottom-up innovation is seen in the most fascinating, futuristic projects emerging today, and it starts, he says, with being open and alert to what’s going on around you right now. Don’t be a futurist, he suggests: be a now-ist.